How Much Does it Cost to Create an App in 2024


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The ever-changing mobile technological revolution has significantly impacted business paradigms. Entrepreneurs, knowing the potential benefits of mobile applications employed a vast array of modern applications to perform various tasks. From gaming to retailing, e-commerce, business, marketing, management, health, fitness, music, and social networks, mobile app development companies have found more innovative success in building trendy apps that have brought convenience to users and boosted their personalized experiences with mobile applications. Recent statistics provided by 360 Research Reports indicated that the mobile market worldwide is expected to rise at a substantial rate during the year 2024. Today, a total of 35.5 billion applications are downloaded by mobile users. The global Mobile market size is estimated to reach USD Million in 2028. With the introduction of the App Store, companies have categorized mobile apps into consumer and business apps that help boost personal and professional utility.

The creation and designing of a simple mobile app takes approximately 3-6 months. Regarding the rising cost of application development, the creation of digital applications counts on different factors. It includes technical resources and complex features, the integration of innovative features, hardware, and industrial resources.

Let’s suppose, you are planning to generate popular gaming applications. Various gaming apps including 2D or 3D games, in-game currency, and games having special items or characters have been widely used by gamers for their accessibility and convenience. As more users have become accustomed to playing these fantasy games, the companies have invested high accounts in crafting numerous game apps. It is estimated that the creation of an average mobile gaming app costs about $37,500 due to highly custom designs, niche features, complex coding language, and logic. A basic application having simple features and essential functions may cost from $20,000 to $60,000. As the complexity of mobile games increases, the development cost upsurges equally. Moreover, using the game engine and tools and opting for targeted mobile devices and platforms such as native or cross-platform development also increases app development costs. Once you have completed a gaming app, you require additional costs for app maintenance, app launch, and advertising increases the costs. Consequently, breaking down the development cost of a gaming app allows companies to analyze the factors that help increase or decrease development costs. It implies setting a realistic budget to develop high-quality gaming apps.

Let’s analyze the factors that impact the cost of mobile application development.

Key Factors That Influence Mobile App Development Cost

The factors include analyzing the complexity of app components and features, the development time to build the app, various app categories, interface designs, animation, and unique app designs.  Other aspects comprise choosing an app platform for app testing and deployment, technical resources used for app maintenance, and the size of the development team.

Apps of diverse ranges

Consider apps of varied types including simple, medium complex, and multifunctional applications. A simple app comprises basic user features including a friendly interface and dashboard that makes navigation easier for new users. Moreover, an end-user flexibly logs in to the application and searches different sections. A responsive app providing a user profile facility, offline capabilities, and push notifications increases user engagement with the app.

High expenses are also associated with developing a medium-sized app. It includes features such as tools and infrastructure, trading and marketing, social media, payment gateway,  and audio/video streaming that build up app creation costs.

Incorporating App design features 

The app design features include a visually appealing UI. The user interface with striking color patterns, animations, and visual effects requires vast resources and design skills to develop customized common UI elements. The apps having nominal design demands are cheaper than the apps having extensive UX designs. Moreover, adding new features also increases development overhead. 

App platform

The app developers are required to choose a reliable platform for app creation.  They can opt for the Native app platform.  Developers employ Swift and Objective C to create iOS applicationsAndroid apps are created using Java and Kotlin programming languages. Another choice is using a cross-platform application. It is a cost-effective platform involving developers to create a single code. A particular code helps to create numerous apps that seamlessly run on different mobile devices. Moreover, the codes can be reprocessed to develop new Android and iOS applications for diverse platforms. The cross-platform comprising Flutter and React Native platforms are widely used for app development. Developers can also opt for a Hybrid app platform. The platform is a combination of both native and web apps. However, it is more cost-efficient in contrast to native apps.

Hire professional assistance 

Another significant factor is hiring a reliable app development company that facilitates businesses with a smooth app development process. The application development services have highly competent app developers, UI/UX designers, project managers, and market specialists who offer high-quality industry expertise to create robust applications. They also integrate the latest features and technologies in developing high-powered applications that are compatible across different mobile devices and platforms.

Developing team expertise

Some designers may charge hourly rates to perform design tasks. While some developers charge monthly. The rising labor cost directly impacts the budget requirements of app development companies. The costs also rise depending on the geographical location of the team. If the company is based in a small area with employees having lower wages, it helps to reduce the project costs. In-house developers employ a mathematical approach to the coding process and employ fewer resources to build scalable mobile apps. Consequently, using cost-effective app-building resources lessens development cost ranges.  In comparison, large firms employ experienced designers who charge hourly rates based on their seniority level, experience, and qualifications. They also charge high if they are working on complex projects using different programming languages. Hence, development cost rates accelerate employing the above-mentioned factors.

Ongoing Maintenance Cost

An app requires ongoing maintenance even after the app gets launched. Apps require regular monitoring to keep the app updated. Developers identify bugs, viruses, and other malfunctioning defects after the app is published. Using advanced technical tools to fix bugs increases app maintenance costs. Adding new design features including eye-catching layout designs and interface versions, and updating the navigational buttons increase infrastructure costs. The cloud hosting fee and cost of other technical tools also mound up over time. Thus, companies have to face long-term post-launch costs as well.

App publishing costs

After having built apps, companies are also required to make app store payments. It implies developers pay a one-time fee before submitting the app to the Play Store.

Analyzing Cost Breakdown Stages of App Development

See how app development costs add up. Break down expenses by stage for smarter budgeting.

Pre-research -Conducting targeted market Research

As companies plan to build a new application, the initial step involves executing extensive market research. Pre-planning and targeted market discovery help companies perform market analysis. They acquire essential knowledge related to the market dynamics including the choices, interests, and the changing buying trends and behaviors of consumers. During the initial stage, development firms should prepare competitive analysis, MVP concept, user market research, and develop business plans highlighting business and application goals. Having a clear app development roadmap helps companies create engaging apps that resonate with consumer’s choices and perceptions. The cost of the initial stage is projected as $1,200 – $11,000 while developers complete their pre-research phase within 2-4 weeks.

Evaluating App Design Cost

During the second stage, the designing team estimates the cost of integrating modern software, prototyping, wireframing, and visual (UI) designs. To boost user engagement with the app, developers use startling app designs. The layout color combination, typography, graphics, and animation develop high-featured applications that stand out in the marketplace. The cost of investing to develop a simple UI/UX app design may rise to $10,000, In case, if developers come up with medium apps, the cost might reach $60,000. The cost of designing a complex app will be 25-60% of the total development and design cost. The total estimated cost is anticipated around $2,500 to $10,000 along with 3-4 weeks for the designing stage. Thus, many companies intend to invest in app design as stunning and responsive applications attract a broad audience. 

Considering the Testing Stage cost

Further breakdown of app development costs allows developers to invest the amount in testing the app once the app finally reaches the market. The testing phase employs the latest technology testing tools that upsurge costs between $5,000 to $10,000. It is considered 20-30% of the total development cost. Developers spend 2-4 weeks performing app testing.

Maintenance and debugging

The newly built app requires continuous maintenance and updating of the app components and system to remain functional in the market. Therefore, developers get engaged with extensive testing of the app on a variety of devices and platforms. It takes 2 to 3 weeks to monitor the app functions and identify the bugs and other defects that make the app slow and unresponsive. Using different debugging tools efficiently fixes these issues, it increases the average app debugging cost. The anticipated cost a mobile company face is $5,000.

Project management costs

The costs of app project management begin with the preliminary phase of pre-research market analysis. The cost targets include using technology tools for cost analysis and accounting. Moreover, developers also carefully estimate the cost of planning, creating, and designing modern mobile prototype applications. The entry-level cost plans start with $5 to $12+** per month. Project managers integrate additional features such as robust security of data, advanced reporting, editing and refining the document, and workload management. The other features include real-time messaging, file sharing, discussion forums, emails, and chat platforms that improve communication among the teams. Using high management functionalities in the app. Total project management cost ranges from $50,000 – $100,000.

Average Costs for Different Types of Apps

Explore how app complexity impacts development costs.

The cost of developing a Business app 

The next part of evaluating the cost of app creation implies developers consider the overhead costs of creating and designing apps of different categories. If you are an experienced entrepreneur, you must be aware of the price, and cost of developing enterprise apps.  Today, many corporations are investing in creating business apps that execute structural, commercial, and business tasks effectively. Moreover, enterprise apps boost the skills, vitality, and efficiency of teams.

The price of developing an enterprise app varies with the application’s features and functionalities. The cost of developing a simple app is evaluated at $30,000 to $50,000. The building charges of a simple application comprise basic features, such as a user interface, simple user login process, basic configuration, calculator functions, and weather functions. The app completion phase is estimated between 4 to 11 weeks. The development of complex apps ranges from $100,000 to $250,000.  It comprises advanced features, such as third-party integrations, real-time updates, push notifications, and cutting-edge user interfaces. Integrating these innovative features increases development-related expenditure. The complex apps involve an extended time such as 7 to 16 weeks for app development. Companies also face huge investment cost that ranges from $40,000 to $300,000.

Cost of Innovative Data-Driven Apps

The construction cost of data-driven apps is anticipated at $25,000 to $80,000. Since the apps comprise advanced data processing and analysis tools, their developmental, designing, and innovation costs continue to vary. Data-driven apps comprise various apps such as calendars, weather forecasting, maps, data management, and integration systems. Thus, the key app features influence the cost of developing data-driven apps.

The Development Cost of Social Network Apps

If you plan to increase brand awareness, developing a social network app is your best choice. The cost of creating social network apps of different categories varies due to different functions. A simple app having an easy account creation process, user profiles, in-app messaging, and calendars. The cost of simple app creation is estimated at $30,000 to $60,000. The rate is comparatively low as compared to other apps. The apps with complex functions such as employing the latest UI/UX design, photo and video uploading, search features, real-time updates, and push notifications. Security features, development team size, and selecting the app platform are the other elements that accelerate developmental expenditures. Adding more advanced features such as live streaming, organizing events, social interaction, and messaging of groups or communities increases the cost of social media apps up to $30,000 to $1, 00,000. 

Development expenditure of  e-commerce Apps 

An e-commerce mobile application facilitates entrepreneurs with trading, buying, and selling of e-commerce goods. Creating a basic e-commerce app requires startup e-commerce businesses to set the lowest developmental cost, ranging from $5,000 to $50,000.   Medium-sized e-commerce companies develop mid-range e-commerce apps. The cost is anticipated as $20,000 – $120,000+. Depending on the complexity of app features such as creating the latest user interface (UI), responsive design, adjustable app screen, app coding, and using complex programming languages help in mobile app performance optimization. The other significant features comprising inventory management, secure transactions, and multi-platform support escalate the app creation cost by  $120,000+.The app maintenance and debugging features costs are estimated between $5,000 to $20,000. The post-release app support and app upgrade require a cost such as  $1,000 to $5,000 per month.

Gaming Apps cost

Mobile gaming application enables users to interact with friends and play fantasy games. Various captivating games keep users mesmerized in the game. Creating simple 2D games to complex games requires game development companies to analyze the cost of generating games of different categories. The estimated cost of building gaming apps varies from $30,000 to $2, 00,000. Simple gaming apps comprising casual games or immersive games have lower costs such as s $25,000. In contrast, gaming apps with striking designs, heavy graphics, animation, and 2D and 3D experiences with multiplayer functionality have high development and design costs. Moreover, apps with high processing power, a complex UI, and other navigation buttons also upsurge development expenses. The high cost is anticipated at $50,000.

Ways to Lower App Development Costs

Carefully Plan the Development of your App using Product Requirements

Whether you intend to develop consumer or enterprise applications, you are required to consider the element of the product requirements document. PRD keeps the company and the clients aligned and helps them know a company’s business and marketing goals. Product requirements further assist companies in setting their expectations and budget requirements to build the app. Consumer vs. enterprise mobile apps cost varies depending on simple to complex functions. Therefore, formulating a written document mentioning detailed application details will help companies evaluate the cost required to incorporate various resources, tools, and technology for app building. Moreover, a finalized list highlights the required elements such as essential features, adding innovative UI design along with graphics and animation. 

Companies provide an average estimated budget to manage developmental and design costs. The product requirements document also states the cost of testing and app deployment. Moreover, developers mention timelines for development and the app development platform chosen to create, design, and test the app. Hence, planning an app development budget allows developing teams to manage their project budgetary cost.

Making app prototypes 

Another initiative that helps reduce development costs is building a practical prototype of the mobile app a company plans to launch. Mobile app prototyping allows designers to analyze various cost-effective resources including digital tools used for app designing. They also introduce digital solutions, and the latest features along with providing overhead costs of app creation and designing. Hence, employing agile methods such as mobile app prototyping helps create responsive and optimized applications.

Outsourcing vs in-house development 

Let’s suppose, you plan to develop a high-performance application but your in-house development team lacks the technical resources to develop a high-tech application.  In such a case, you can opt for another better solution. Many companies outsource their app development project to a reliable third-party development partner. Outsourcing allows companies to get connected to various outsourcing companies. It makes it easier for companies to select an outsourced partner that charges lower rates for app creation and design. Hence, delegating tasks to a third party decreases development costs, minimizes developmental risks, and improves app accessibility in the mobile app development market.

MVP reduces developmental expenditure

If you are running a startup firm and desire to create a cost-effective app, you can develop a Minimum Viable Product (MVP). It has proved to be a functional strategy for startups to identify their potential strengths and weaknesses and build high-efficiency apps. MVP development involves different stages. From analyzing the feasibility of the app to underlining various app features, developers perform in-depth MVP app testing before finally launching the app into the market. The significant aspect of MVP is that it addresses the financial challenges that many startups face. Therefore, it helps companies develop medium-sized apps having a minimal set of features that boost user engagement and also reduce development expenses.  

 MVP keeps development costs low since the earlier stage of app development.  Developers create a few app features and ask for customer feedback regarding app usability. Consequently, gathering genuine consumer feedback helps designers analyze product defects, employ robust testing tools, and add innovative app designs to enhance app value in the market. Hence, MVP provides a comprehensive roadmap to companies, lessening costs and expenditures and expediting the app development process.

Utilize Agile Methodologies 

Employing AI Machine learning in the app automates various tasks. It implies developers using an iterative development model consisting of planning, analysis, and execution using advanced featured testing tools. Agile app testing identifies bugs and also fixes these issues at an early stage. Consequently, it reduces the cost of rework and saves time in early development phases.

Marketing and promotional tactics

 Companies can reduce app marketing costs by employing various techniques. It comprises using A/B testing to execute different marketing campaigns. The app marketers use email campaigns to send promotional emails to a vast audience. The emails include videos, newsletters, and guides that highlight app features and benefits of application for diverse users.

Recently, A/B testing has been added to develop engaging Facebook ad campaigns. Running cost-effective Facebook ads engages more audiences. The users easily browse the social media page and read additional application features. Using captivating text and eye-catching visuals in mobile app marketing campaigns creates seamless, personalized experiences with the application. Thus, choosing an appropriate social media channel for app marketing grows brand visibility and makes the app stand out in the competitive app market.


The evolution of new apps has benefitted companies with flexibility and convenience, however, the influx of millions of applications has also accelerated the developmental cost. The app-building charges have significantly impacted the financial resources and operational efficiency of the organizations. Research shows that the cost of an app varies according to the production and development stages, app designing, and integrating the latest app functions and technology. Additionally, the cost of app development also comprises using modern application architecture, data encryption, and storage capacity and, third-party integration. Developers should choose the multiple platforms that support various applications. They can opt for Native apps, or cross-platform that facilitate cost reduction. Testing tools include the cost of utilizing various testing tools to improve app functionality. Another major cost the company faces is hiring a skilled and experienced app developer. App upgrade also builds up the cost. As marketing trends are changing, businesses intend to bring diversity to app creation. It includes adding new app features, and regularly monitoring the app for maintenance and incorporating updates. To boost user experiences with the app, companies utilize agile tools that potentially lead to increased costs. Thus, fostering a culture of innovation and cost awareness enables mobile development companies to develop high-standard, fast, and scalable apps using cost-saving solutions.

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